Saturday, July 19, 2008

[1] Clarity 8.1 on Weblogic 9.2 Walkthrough

Here is Clarity 8.1 on Weblogic 9.2 installation walkthrough. A Powerpoint presentation containing following contents..

• Clarity installation.
• WebLogic Configuration
• Deployment of Clarity .ear files to WebLogic
• Appendix (Things to know, Tips, Best Practices, Troubleshooting)

Click here to download the PPT file...

* I was installing it first time and had very basic document in hand which was based on Weblogic 8.x. After having spent almost 2 days on this, I was still not able to bring up Clarity app home page. (though NSA deployment was success). Everytime deployment of jar file took considerable time (10-15 mins) and different combinations were yielding different errors. Googled a lot, tried many options... but still far from success. I was trying with SQL Server 2005. Next morning I started it on this again .. Thought of giving try with Oracle 10g ... and Voila .. it was SUCCESS... I digged back to SQL Server 2005 setup and discovered that it was driver issue (see Appendix section of PPT file for details). I must thank to this driver issue, otherwise I couldn't have learned many other things. I mentioned most of those learnings in Appendix section, don't miss that. Rather I would suggest to have quick look at that before starting installation..


  1. Congratulations on starting the blog.This will serve the needs of the Clarity community.

  2. Hi Sangeet,

    Can you also please provide a similar step by step installation steps for Clarity in Webspehere? I am stuck in the step where the NSA is up but I cant bring up the app.

    Sankhadeep Dhar

  3. It needs good time to be invested. I deliberately opted to go for Weblogic as not much of documentation was available for Weblogic. Websphere, I felt is quite widely used so one can find assistance/documentation on that in comparatively easier way.
    But I am taking your request and will try to create similar Websphere document when I get time.

  4. In your PPT you say to use -Xmx1536m. You should make it clear that on 32bit Windows you should avoid using such a large heap size due to the Windows-imposed 2GB process limit issue. A far safer -Xmx setting would be -Xmx1280m
